Community Reentry Resources
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) policies that apply to community reentry.
Reentry into the Community
- DOC 310.140 Incarcerated Veteran Offenders (pdf)
- DOC 350.200 Transition & Release (pdf)
- DOC 630.590 Reentry Community Safety (RCS) Program Review (pdf)
Firearm, Explosives & Ammunition Possession
- DOC 380.420 Firearm Possession by Supervised Individuals (pdf)
- DOC 420.395 Evidence/Property Procedures for Field (pdf)
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) forms that apply to and/or relate to community reentry.
Laws & Regulations
Below are the federal laws, state laws (RCWs), regulations (WACs), and executive orders that apply to and/or relate to community reentry.
Reentry into the Community
United States Code (U.S.C.)
- 18 U.S.C. Chapter 40 – Importation, Manufacture, Distribution, and Storage of Explosive Materials
- 18 U.S.C. § 842 Unlawful Acts – (d) Criteria describing to whom it is unlawful to distribute explosive materials.
- 18 U.S.C. – Chapter 44 Firearms
- 18 U.S.C. § 921 – Definitions – (a)(35) Definition of the term "body armor."
- 18 U.S.C. § 922 – Unlawful Acts – (f)(2)(g) Criteria describing to whom it is unlawful to ship, transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or to possess in or affecting commerce, any firearms or ammunition, or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.
- 18 U.S.C.) § 931 – Prohibition on purchase, ownership, or possession of body armor by violent felons
- 18 U.S.C. – Chapter 207 Release and Detention Pending Judicial Proceedings
- 18 U.S.C. § 3156 – Definitions – (3) Definition of the term "felony."
- 26 U.S.C. – Chapter 53 Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms
- 26 U.S.C. § 5845 – Definitions – (a) Definition of the term "firearm."
Federal Case Law
- United States v. Nenadich, 689 F.Supp. 285 [S.D. N.Y. 1988]
Federal case law defining the meaning of actual possession.
Executive Orders
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
- RCW 72.02.100 Earnings, clothing, transportation, and subsistence payments upon release of certain prisoners.
- RCW 72.09.370 Incarcerated individuals with mental illness who are believed to be dangerous—Plan for post release treatment and support services—Rules. (Effective until April 1, 2018.)
- RCW 72.78 Community Transition Coordination Networks
Firearm, Explosives & Ammunition Possession
- RCW 2 Courts of Record
- RCW 9A.20 Classification of Crimes
Classification criteria for what makes a crime a felony, misdemeanor, or gross misdemeanor. - RCW 9.41 Firearms and Dangerous Weapons
- RCW 9.41.010(11)(12) Terms Defined
Definitions of the terms "firearm" and "gun." - RCW 9.41.040 Unlawful possession of firearms–Ownership, possession by certain persons–Restoration of right to possess–Penalties.
- RCW 9.41.045 Possession by offenders
Individuals under supervision of the Department of Corrections shall not own, use, or possess firearms or ammunition. Community corrections officers may confiscate firearms of individuals under supervision. - RCW 9.41.047 Restoration of possession rights
- RCW 9.41.098 Forfeiture of firearms–Disposition–Confiscation
Law enforcement officers or a state court may confiscate or order confiscation of a firearm. - RCW 9.94A.706 Community custody–Possession of firearms, ammunition, or explosives prohibited.
- RCW 46.04.170 Explosives
Professional Licenses
- RCW 18 Businesses and Professions
- RCW 18.235.020 Application of chapter–Director's authority–Disciplinary authority.
- RCW 18.235.110 Unprofessional conduct–Finding.
- Chapter 34.05 Administrative Procedure Act
- House Bill (HB) Report 1399 – An act relating to reducing barriers to professional licensure for individuals with previous criminal convictions (pdf)
Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) publications that apply to community reentry.
- 2019 Executive Order 16-05 Report: Corporate Outreach Plan (pdf) (R 5/2019)
- 2017 Executive Order 16-05 Report (pdf) (R 4/2017)
- Graduated Reentry
- Opportunity for Supervision Reform and Reentry (pdf) 300-FS002
- Reentry Center Handbook (pdf) 400-HA019
- Manual De Los Centros De Reingreso (pdf) 400-HA019s
- Reentry Education Navigators Brochure (pdf) 500-BR007
- Reentry Navigation Services Brochure (pdf) 500-BR009
- Reentry Support (pdf) 400-GU040
- Reentry System Model Continuum (pdf) 500-DG001
- Tribal Resource Directory for American Indian and Alaska Natives (pdf)
Resource Links
Reentry into the Community
- Certificate of Restoration of Opportunity (Courts)
- Department of Social and Health Services Office Locator
- Fair Chance Act
- National Institute of Justice
- National Reentry Resource Center
- Pathways to Employment
- Pioneer Human Services
- Reentry Education Tool Kit
- Social Security: Entering the Community After Incarceration (pdf) (SSA)
- Washington Connection: Your Link to Services
- Washington Reentry Guide from Washington Appleseed (pdf)
Firearm, Explosives & Ammunition Possession
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- Quick Reference to Federal Firearms Laws (pdf) (
- Summary of Firearm Law (Clallam County Sheriff's Office)
- State Firearms Laws (ATG)
- Washington State Courts
- What You Need to Know About Felons and Firearms (pdf) (City of Port Angeles)
Professional Licenses
- Criminal Conviction Screening (Washington State Department of Licensing)