Community Partnership Contracts
- About
- Request for Information for Prospective Partners
- Qualifications
- How to Apply
- WA DOC Community Partner Contracts Awarded
- Resources
- Contact Us
The Reentry Division partners with community organizations to provide reentry programs and services that help individuals successfully transition to their communities. Through partnerships, the department funds programs that offer a range of support, including:
- Essential Resources and Services: Clothing, hygiene products, bedding, access to transportation, food assistance, and access to digital resources (including cell phones, laptops, and internet connectivity).
- Community and Peer Support: Peer mentoring programs, support groups, family reunification, Case management, life and social skills development, digital and financial literacy training, and federal and state identification/benefit assistance.
- Reentry Planning and Coordination: Reentry Planning Workshops that assist in the development of DOC 02-187 Individual Reentry Plans (msword) and align with RCW 72.09.270 and post-release support.
Community partnerships provide a vital support network that helps individuals reintegrate into society after incarceration. By offering a wide range of services and resources, these partnerships can significantly reduce recidivism rates and improve the overall well-being of returning citizens.
The Reentry Division supports the Department’s mission of improving public safety by positively changing lives by providing people with focused opportunities for success.
Request for Information for Prospective Partners
To strengthen the state's commitment to reducing recidivism and achieve the goal of making a successful reentry a reality for all, Governor Jay Inslee signed Executive Order 24-03, Building Safe and Strong Communities Through Successful Reentry(pdf) on September 16, 2024. In addition, DOC became the sixth state to join the national initiative Reentry 2030. The Department, alongside other state agencies and community-based organizations, will enhance the state’s reentry system by reducing barriers and expanding access to essential resources.
The Department is initiating this Request for Information (“RFI”) to obtain information about potential vendors and services they may be able to provide to incarcerated individuals transitioning into the community. The goal of these programs is to assist individuals by providing programs, services, and interventions to enhance and support a safe reentry into the community, while also removing or reducing barriers to their successful reentry.
The department intends to award multiple contract(s) to provide the services described in this RFI request. Contract awards will be issued for fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
The Department receives $1.7 million in annual funding to collaborate with community-based organizations. This funding supports expanding access to vital services for individuals under the DOC's care and custody or within six months of release. By partnering with community organizations, the DOC can offer a range of reentry programs and supportive services. These programs aim to assist individuals in successfully transitioning back into their communities.
The RFI is neither an offer nor a request to contract. This RFI does not obligate the Department to contract, issue a completive solicitation, or take any action toward procuring services. The Department reserves the right to explore all options in its efforts to provide quality reentry services to individuals, including, but not limited to, options that are brought to its attention through this RFI. This RFI shall not be construed to create an obligation or commitment on behalf of the Department or any Vendor.
Minimum qualifications include:
- Registered entity in the State of Washington
- A minimum of three (3) years’ experience providing reentry and community-based services
- Be a public agency or nongovernmental community-based organization
- Vendor must abide by all Department health and safety protocols, complete Department orientation and training requirements.
- Meet the screening requirements in DOC 490.800 Prison Rape Elimination ACT (PREA) Prevention and Reporting(pdf).
Please note: Prospective Contract Staff/Vendors may not qualify to contract with the Department if personnel are:
- Under the active supervision of any local, county, state, or federal corrections agency, or under felony indictment.
- An immediate family member or have a current or prior relationship with individuals housed at the location of services.
- Previous convictions of crimes against children per RCW 28A.400.322 or current no contact order with minor children.
- Meet the screening requirements in DOC 490.800 Prison Rape Elimination ACT (PREA) Prevention and Reporting(pdf).
How to Apply
Contract staff/vendors will be required to submit a Diverse Business Inclusion Plan with their proposal. In accordance with legislative findings and policies set forth in RCW 39.19, the state of Washington encourages participation in all contracts by firms certified by the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE), set forth in RCW 43.60A.200 for firms certified by the Washinton State Department of Veteran Affairs, and set forth in RCW 39.26.005 for firms that are Washinton Small Business. Participation may be either on a direct basis or on a subcontractor basis. However, no preference on the basis of participation is included in the evaluation of Diverse Business Inclusion Plans submitted, and no minimum level of minority and women-owned business enterprise (MWBE), Washington Small Business, or Washington State certified Veterans Business participation is required as a condition for receiving an award. Any affirmative action requirements set forth in any federal governmental rules included or referenced in the contract documents will apply.
Applying for funding from the Washington State Department of Corrections:
The Washington State Department of Corrections released the Request for Information (RFI) for proposals from qualified organizations offering community-based reentry services to support individuals transitioning back into society.
WA DOC Community Partner Contracts Awarded

Adonai Counseling & Employment
Rapid Response Reentry Services for incarcerated individuals being released from Washington Department of Corrections facilities. These Rapid Response Services include pre-post and post-release case management and setting up connections for wraparound services available in their communities including:

A Woman’s Worth
A Woman’s Worth was developed as an avenue used to reach out to women truly as a ministry. Our true vision is to encourage, support, help to build women up and empower women on a spiritual, emotional, and professional level, as they transition back into the community from incarceration. Services include pre-release and post-release case management; workshops such as vision board, custom journaling, poetry reading, and writing workshops.

The IF Project
The IF Project is a collaboration of Currently -and Formerly- incarcerated adults, community partners, and law enforcement focused on a holistic intervention and the reduction and prevention of incarceration and recidivism. Our work is inspired by and built upon people sharing their personal life experiences around incarceration. The IF Project consist of the following workshops offered in a phased programming approach Internally at Washington Correctional Facility for Women and Mission Creek Correctional Center for Women, Intensive Workshop, Writers Series, Health & Wellness, Personal Reentry Plan (PREP), and the Mentor Program.

Orion Watch Community Outreach Program
Proving an integrated network of community services, resources, and program to justice-impacted individuals. We aim to provide effective and innovative measures to reduce recidivism, unemployment, poverty, criminal ideology and other maladaptive behaviors within the community by focusing our help towards at-risk youths and justice-impacted persons. Offering family reunification, employment career pathways, conflict communication and de-escalation trainings.
Overhaul-Unrelenting Transfiguration (O-UT)

Overhaul-Unrelenting Transfiguration (O-UT) stands as a beacon of transformation for individuals ready to break free from destructive life cycles. Unlike traditional support programs, O-UT's power lies in its unique blend of intensive support and personal accountability, empowering participants to become active architects of their own change rather than passive recipients of services. Through personalized intervention and comprehensive support, O-UT tackles the root causes of recurring challenges – from incarceration and service dependence to child welfare involvement and substance use – recognizing that these struggles often intersect and reinforce each other. The proof is in our results: 78% of our released or partially confined students are actively taking control of their lives and overcoming the underlying causes of their circumstances. For those ready to embrace genuine change, O-UT provides not just hope, but a concrete pathway to lasting transformation, equipping individuals with the tools, resources, and guidance needed to build sustainable, self-directed lives.
Revive Center for Returning Citizens

Revive Center for Returning Citizens provided reentry services for formerly incarcerated persons returning to Spokane County by offering the following services: peer support, family support, housing resources, legal aid, mental health and treatment services, basic needs support, education, empowerment, invitations to healing, and building of community connections for folks in reentry; removal of the monetary barriers associated with reentry; and connections of participants to supportive services.
Revive Counseling : Holistic Wellness & Revery Services

At Revive, we are dedicated to our commitment to providing a solid foundation for people to restart their journey to take control of their lives. We are constantly working to address and dismantle the stigma people with history of mental health issues or addiction face. Our specialist are dedicated to continuously educating themselves, our patients, our partners, and the community to understand the true mechanics of breaking the internalized stigma and oppression that our patients experience.
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) policies that apply to Community Partnership Contracts.
- DOC 130.200 Lawsuit Processing/Staff Liability Protection (pdf)
- DOC 150.150 Visiting and Tours of Department Facilities and Offices(pdf)
- DOC 200.000 Trust Accounts for Incarcerated Individuals(pdf)
- DOC 200.050 Purchasing (pdf)
- DOC 200.900 Travel Regulations (pdf)
- DOC 220.010 Contracts (pdf)
- DOC 230.500 Vehicle Use (pdf)
- DOC 280.525 Records Management(pdf)
- DOC 280.100 Acceptable Use of Technology (pdf)
- DOC 400.025 Department Identification Cards(pdf)
- DOC 420.340 Searching and Detaining Facility Visitors (pdf)
- DOC 450.300 Visits for Incarcerated Individuals(pdf)
- DOC 490.800 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Prevention and Reporting(pdf)
- DOC 490.850 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Response(pdf)
- DOC 490.860 PREA Investigations(pdf)
- DOC 530.100 Volunteer Program (pdf)
- DOC 560.200 Religious Programs (pdf)
- DOC 800.010 Ethics (pdf)
- DOC 810.005 Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Respect, and Anti-Racism(pdf)
- DOC 810.015 Criminal Record Disclosure and Fingerprinting (pdf)
- DOC 850.030 Relationships/Contact with Individuals(pdf)
- DOC 870.400 Personal Appearance/Uniform Standards (pdf)
- DOC 890.000 Safety Program(pdf)
- DOC 850.625 Discrimination and Harassment (pdf)
Laws & Regulations
Below are the federal laws, state laws (RCWs) and regulations (WACs) that apply to and/or relate to the Community Partnership Contracts.
Executive Orders
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
- RCW 39.19 - Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises
- RCW 39.24 - Public Purchase Preferences
- RCW 39.26 - Procurement of Goods and Services
- RCW 39.34 - Interlocal Cooperation Act
- RCW 42.52 - Ethics In Public Service
- RCW 42.56 - Public Records Act
- RCW 43.03.110 - Moving Expenses of Employees
- RCW 43.19 - Department of Enterprise Services
- RCW 43.60A.210 - Donations to Disabled Veterans Assistance Account
- RCW 28A.400.330 - Crimes Against Children — Contractor Employees — Termination of Contract
- RCW 9A.44.160 - Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree
- RCW 9A.44.170 - Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the Second Degree
Library of Congress
Below are Department of Corrections publications that apply to Community Partnership Contracts.
- Community Partner Contracts Guidebook (pdf) 500-HA003
- Community Partnership Contracts(pdf) 500-GU034
- PREA Information for Staff, Contract Staff and Volunteers Brochure (pdf) 400-BR016
Resource Links
- Community Partnerships for Transition Services (CPTS)
- Community Reentry Resources (
- Contracting Opportunities (
- Civil Survival (
- Family Support (
- Local Planning (WorkFirst Washington)