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Fire Crew: DNR Arcadia 20 Transitional Hand Crew


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Arcadia 20 Hand Crew members holding the line and observing a burnout operation. (Ben Hood, DNR)
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The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) created a Transitional Wildland Fire Crew located in Spokane Washington, housed at Eleanor Chase House Reentry Center, and is referred to as the DNR Arcadia 20 Hand Crew (DNR ARC-20). This collaboration is a direct result of the passing and funding of HB1168 in 2021. This house bill provides for collaboration between DNR and the Department of Corrections (DOC) to expand on existing program opportunities and allows for adding additional wildfire personnel.

DNR Camp Forestry Workers begin their career at one of the three DNR camp facilities: Airway Heights Corrections Center, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, or Olympic Corrections Centers. During this time, Forestry Workers complete the Wildland Fire Academy, facilitated by DNR. This course curriculum is from the National Wildfire Coordination Group (NWCG) and is nationally recognized and ensures all Forestry Workers are properly certified by DNR to conduct wildfire suppression safely and effectively.

After continued training and development in forestry work and wildfire suppression, a candidate may get recommended to the DNR Transition Crew by their DNR Assistant Camp Manager. This recommendation is based upon work ethic, experience, dedication, positive behavior, and the willingness to pursue a career with DNR. Once the candidate is properly screened and approved for placement, the candidate may be offered an interview by DNR’s hiring authorities. All ARC20 Hand Crew candidates pursue a job offer through a competitive employment process. Originally, the afforded employment opportunity was for a 12-month period, in 2024 this was extended to 18 months, allowing for additional training, experience, and income.

All Arcadia 20 Hand Crew members are full-time DNR state employees, earning full benefits, retirement, and union representation for the duration of the 18-month employment opportunity. A majority of the ARC-20 crew members are residents at Eleanor Chase House Reentry Center, while others are participants of Graduated Reentry or on supervision in the community.

Within the first 30 months of ARC-20’s operations, they responded to over 80 wildland fires, spent over 160 days on wildfire incidents, and have treated roughly 3,000 acres in Eastern Washington, assisting our communities by reducing volatile fire fuels. These actions speak to the viability and necessity of the ARC-20 Hand Crew, protecting the lands, resources and lives in Eastern Washington.


“I have learned many valuable skills and tools to not only allow me to be a great firefighter, but an essential asset to the community. I have realized that it is not just about me anymore and it is now my personal goal to ensure that many people after me have the same opportunities that were given to me. If I fail, it’s one step closer to the overall program failing. The community support and just knowing you are providing safety to those around you is for lack of better words, the best feeling in the world”

- Alex Maravilla, Former Arcadia 20 Hand Crew team member

“For those that want to expand their knowledge and have opportunities to be put into a leadership role, ARC-20 does that for you. You get the chance to open a task book and get signatures, be part of briefings for assignments on fires, use a radio in the field also talking to other recourses. Best of all you work with a bunch of guys that want to expand their fire knowledge and work as a top-notch team.”

- Brandon Marcear, Former Arcadia 20 Hand Crew team member


Laws & Regulations

Revised Code of Washington (RCW)


Resource Links

Contact Us

Name & Email Phone Number
Roy Hardin, DNR Transition Crew Liaison (564) 669-4262