Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What are the sentence options?
- Who is eligible for FOSA and CPA?
- Is there a Parenting Sentencing Alternative option for people already in prison?
- Can incarcerated and supervised participants in FOSA and CPA programs be revoked?
- What helps determine if FOSA and/or CPA is an appropriate sentencing alternative?
What are the sentence options?
The judicial sentencing alternative is referred to as the Family & Offender Sentencing Alternative (FOSA) and the partial confinement program is referred to as the Community Parenting Alternative (CPA).
Who is eligible for FOSA and CPA?
Refer to the FOSA eligibility requirements and/or CPA eligibility requirements for the specific process to be followed in order to be considered for a Parenting Sentencing Alternative program.
Is there a Parenting Sentencing Alternative option for people already in prison?
Yes, the Community Parenting Alternative (CPA). The Department may transfer incarcerated individuals who meet the eligibility requirements to the community under electronic monitoring to serve up to the last 12 months of his or her prison sentence.
Can incarcerated and supervised participants in FOSA and CPA programs be revoked?
Yes. Refer to the FOSA revoke and/or CPA termination web pages for detailed information.
What helps determine if FOSA and/or CPA is an appropriate sentencing alternative?
The sentencing judge determines if FOSA sentencing is appropriate. The judge may order the department to complete a Risk Assessment Report, including a family impact statement, or Substance Abuse Screening to assist the court in deciding.
DOC determines if CPA is appropriate. A multidisciplinary screening committee made up of Department of Corrections (DOC) staff, child welfare staff, and other stakeholders meet the second Thursday of every month to review eligible applicants who have applied for the CPA programs.