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Library Services


Per DOC 510.010 Library Services (pdf), the department will manage library services in department facilities in conjunction with the Washington State Library to provide incarcerated individuals adequate access to libraries and library materials.

Resource Library

Resource libraries are located at Airway Heights Corrections Center, Clallam Bay Corrections Center, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, Stafford Creek Corrections Center, Monroe Correctional Complex, Washington Corrections Center, Washington Corrections Center for Women and Washington State Penitentiary. The libraries are operated by the WSL.

Inter Library Loan (IIL)

ILL is a loan program operated by the WSL for incarcerated individuals housed at minimum correctional units and work camps. Incarcerated individuals are allowed to request and check out books from WSL via the United State Postal Service.

Law Library

The law libraries contain legal publications in an electronic and book format, such as state and federal case law, court procedures, policies, state and federal statutes, U.S. and State Constitutional Laws, legal practice manuals, local civil rules and reference materials. Incarcerated individuals are allowed to obtain photocopying and also mail legal materials through the law librarian.

Each law library employs offender law clerks trained in conducting legal research to assist incarcerated individuals.

Law library access is available to incarcerated individuals to conduct legal research. Law Libraries are located at Airway Heights Corrections Center, Clallam Bay Corrections Center, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, Staffor Creek Corrections Center, Monroe Correctional Complex, Washington Corrections Center, Washington Corrections Center for Women and Washington State Penitentiary.