Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) policies that apply to visiting with incarcerated individual's and/or visits to DOC facilities and offices.
All Visits
Phone Calls
Prison Visits
- DOC 420.340 Searching and Detaining Facility Visitors (pdf)
- DOC 450.300 Visits for Incarcerated Individuals (pdf)
- DOC 590.100 Extended Family Visiting (pdf)
Reentry Center Visits
- DOC 150.100 Public Information (pdf)
- DOC 150.150 Visits & Tours of Department Facilities & Offices (pdf)
- DOC 200.200 Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund (pdf)
States some revenue for the betterment fund is drawn from video visiting service commission, and is authorized to be spent on such things as Extended Family Visit (EFV) program expenditures, family centered activities, visiting area supplies, and visiting area furniture. - DOC 450.050 Prohibited Contact (pdf)
Concerning contact restrictions between incarcerated individuals and specific individuals or classes of individuals. - DOC 850.030 Relationships/Contacts with Individuals (pdf)
Concerning interactions between incarcerated individual's and their families, and employees, contract staff and volunteers.
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) forms for visiting that may be applicable.
Prison & Reentry Center Visits
Visit Application Processing
Visit Applications are processed in the order received and may take up to 45 business days to process (unless additional review is necessary). In order to prioritize the processing of applications, please avoid requesting the status of your application. We are unable to give specific dates of when an application will be processed.
DO NOT SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION, additional applications will void the previous application and restart the processing timeframes. To avoid unnecessary expenses, be sure you have received notification of approval for visiting prior to making travel arrangements. Visitors are notified via email when their application has been processed.
Prison & Reentry Center Visitor Applications
Visit application for prisons and Reentry Centers are only accepted electronically, hard copies will be rejected. Reentry Center Sponsor requests are processed at the Reentry Center utilizing DOC Form 20-169 (msword) and sending the hard copy to the applicable Reentry Center. If you need assistance with completing an electronic application, please contact the Statewide Visit Unit. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information about visitor applications.
Visit applications are processed in the order received. Applicants will receive an email with the outcome of the request. The email is sent to the email provided on your application. Submitting more than one application will cause previous application to be voided and will DELAY the outcome of your request as timeframes are from the date of the most recent application.
- DOC 20-060 Visitor Application (Application for adults 18 and over)
- DOC 20-181 Minor Visitor Application (Application for minors, 17 and younger and must be completed by an authorized individual over 13)
- DOC 20-182 Government Designated Escort Application (When escorting a child to see their incarcerated individual, this application is used for Guardian Ad Litem, court appointed special advocates, government designated caseworkers, visit supervisors, other designated government escorts, and contracted visitation agency staff). If you are not escorting a child to visit, you may request a professional visit.
Attention iOS Users
Department forms are designed to be completed and/or downloaded in their native formatting. To ensure full functionality and correct formatting, please use compatible processing software such as Microsoft Word. Completing the forms electronically helps preserve formatting, data entry fields and other essential features.
Please note, that users accessing Department forms on iOS devices may experience formatting issues when viewing or completing Microsoft Word documents. To ensure proper functionality and formatting, we recommend using a desktop computer, laptop computer, or downloading the free Microsoft Word App from the Apple store. The app allows you to open, edit, and save Microsoft Word documents with the correct formatting on your iOS device.
Additional Forms
In addition to completing a visitor's application, some prison visits require additional forms to be completed:
- DOC Form 20-441 Parent/Guardian for Minor Visit and/or Escort (pdf) (English)
Notarized, written permission from a non-incarcerated parent or legal guardian allowing an adult to escort/accompany a minor on a visit with an incarcerated individual. - DOC 20-450 Approval for Visits by Current⁄Former Employee, Contract Staff, or Volunteer (msword)
- DOC Form 21-575ES Acknowledgement of Visitor Search Requirements
You will be asked to complete this upon your arrival. - DOC 21-787 Special Visit Request (msword) (English)
Special visits may be permitted per DOC 450.300 Visits for Incarcerated Individuals (pdf) for persons traveling long distances, hospitalized incarcerated individuals, and professional visitors.
Reentry Center Visits
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information about visiting reentry center facilities.
- DOC 05-370 Request for Criminal History Record Information (word)
- DOC 20-169 Reentry Center Sponsor Application (msword) (English)
- DOC 20-084 Social Outing Request & Responsibilities
This form is not available online. Incarcerated individual must obtain this form from their assigned Community Corrections Officer (CCO) to apply for an approved social outing while at a reentry center. See DOC 450.310 (pdf) for detailed information.
State Laws & Regulations
Below are state laws (RCWs) and regulations (WACs) that apply to and/or relate to visits between incarcerated and non-incarcerated persons.
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
- RCW 9.73.095 Intercepting, recording, or divulging incarcerated individual conversations – Conditions – Notice.
Regarding the Department's authorization to monitor, record and intercept incarcerated individual's telephone calls. - RCW 9.94A.030 Definitions.
Definitions for RCW 9.94A Sentencing Reform Act of 1981 as pertaining to verbiage in DOC 590.100 (pdf) - RCW 9.94.043 Deadly weapons – Possession on premises by person not a prisoner – Penalty
RCW 9.94.045 Narcotic drugs or controlled substances – Possession by person not a prisoner – Penalty
Regarding visitors in possession of contraband on the premises of a state correctional institution. - RCW 10.99.020 Definitions.
Definitions for RCW 10.99 Domestic Violence–Official Response as pertaining to verbiage in DOC 590.100 (pdf). - RCW 26.50.101 Definitions.
Definitions for RCW 20.50 Domestic Violence Prevention as pertaining to verbiage in DOC 590.100 (pdf). - RCW 43.88.195 Establishment of accounts or funds outside treasury without permission of director of financial management prohibited
The Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund IIBF) (pdf) has been established in accordance with RCW 43.88.195. - RCW 72.02 Department of Corrections
- RCW 72.02.280 Motion pictures.
Regarding movies/films that cannot be viewed during Extended Family Visits (EFV). - RCW 72.09.015 Definitions.
Definitions for RCW 72.09 Department of Corrections as pertaining to verbiage in DOC 590.100 (pdf). - RCW 72.09.470 Inmate contributions for cost of privileges – Standards
- RCW 72.09.490 Policy on Extended Family Visits
- RCW 72.09.650 Use of force by limited authority Washington peace officers – Detention of persons
Regarding the Department's authorization to search a person, including visitors, and confiscate contraband.
Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
- WAC 137-28 Discipline – Prisons
- WAC 137-25-030 Serious violations.
Specifies the 882 violation. (Per DOC 450.200 (pdf), an incarcerated individual's IPIN will be blocked if he/she is found guilty of the 882 violation.) - WAC 137-28-350 Sanctions – Authority to impose.
Section 3.j of WAC 137-28-350 pertains to visitation. - WAC 137-48 Mail and Communications
- WAC 137-48-080 Telephone usage.
Specifies the provisions and usage of incarcerated individual telephones. - WAC 137-54 Marriages – Adult Correctional Facilities
As pertains to DOC 590.100 (pdf).
Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) publications that apply to Visitation.
- Extended Family Visit Resource Guide for Families (pdf) 500-GU020
- Facility-Specific Visiting Guidelines
- Service Animals & Visitation (pdf) 400-PS009
- Video Visiting Expectations
- Visitor Guidelines for Reentry Centers
Resource Links
Phone & Video Visit Vendor
- Phone Services Help & Contact
- Phone Service Rates & Fees
- Scheduling & Receiving Calls
- Securus Technologies
- Video Visitation