Incarcerated Individual Personal Property
Incarcerated individuals housed in Department of Corrections (DOC) prison and reentry center facilities are provided with food, clothing, housing and medical care. They are also allowed to have some personal property beyond what is issued by the Department. Individuals may only obtain personal property through:
- The commissary program
- Department approved vendor
- Education or religious programs
- Non-profit organizations as approved by the Superintendent/designee
- Items sent by a friend or family member
Individuals are not permitted to trade, sell, buy, barter, loan or give away any personal property to another individual or staff.
Frequently Asked Questions
What personal property items are permitted?
Personal property guidelines are provided in DOC 440.000 Personal Property in Prisons (pdf). The following matrixes identify the type, value*, and amount of personal property at the various security levels. Exceptions require Assistant Secretary of Prisons approval.
* The value of personal property retained by individuals will not exceed the dollar amounts identified on the matrixes. All personal property retained by an individual must be itemized and recorded on their property record. Individuals with personal property in their possession, that does not belong to them, could be subject to the disciplinary hearings process.
What happens to an individual's personal property, if they move to a different facility?
When an individual transfers to another facility, or is assigned to a different security level, all property is accounted for and packed by a staff member. Property is then transferred according to DOC 440.020 Transport of Property (pdf) and DOC 440.000 Personal Property in Prisons (pdf).
If an individual is transferred to a segregation or medical unit, their personal property will be stored for them.
- See DOC 440.020 Transport of Property (pdf) for more detailed information.
What happens unauthorized personal property, or items individuals don't want anymore?
Individuals are permitted to dispose of excess or unauthorized personal property by shipping it out of the facility at their own expense. If an individual does not make a decision to ship items within 90 days, or they are unable or unwilling to pay for shipping, the items will be donated to a charity or will be destroyed.
What happens to an individual's personal property when they are no longer incarcerated?
Individuals release with all authorized personal property items. Items left behind are donated to charity or destroyed.
Can individuals have personal property at a Reentry Center?
Guidelines for personal property in Reentry Centers are provided in DOC 440.010 Personal Property in Reentry Centers (pdf). The following matrixes identify the type, value*, and amount of personal property authorized for individual retention at the different housing security levels. Exceptions require Assistant Secretary of Prisons approval.
*The value of personal property retained by individuals will not exceed the dollar amounts identified on the matrixes.
- DOC 440.000 Personal Property in Prisons (pdf)
- DOC 440.010 Personal Property in Reentry Centers (pdf)
- DOC 440.020 Transport of Property (pdf)
- DOC 450.120 Packages for Offenders (pdf)
Laws & Regulations
- Washington Administrative Code (WAC)