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Per DOC 300.380 Classification and Custody Facility Plan Review (pdf), custody level and appropriate facility placement of incarcerated individuals are determined using an objective scoring tool that measures individual progress, while evaluating risks to the community, staff, other incarcerated individuals, visitors, the orderly operations of facilities and agency needs. The primary goal of classification is to minimize community and institutional risks, while providing opportunities for the productivity and development of the individual and assisting them in understanding how their conduct and program efforts affect their custody designation and facility placement.

Families/support persons may contact the incarcerated individuals counselor at the prison to make a request for specific facility placement.

Security Levels

Custody level designation is determined by the Custody Review Score. The Custody Review Score is based on current custody level, infraction behavior, program behavior, detainers, and escape history.

Security Level 4 – Close

More supervision, less freedom of movement, limits on property and programs:

Security Level 3 – Medium and Minimum 3

Less supervision, more freedom of movement, more program opportunities:

Security Level 2 – Minimum 2 or Minimum 1

Less supervision than level 3, may participate in outside work crews, within four years to release:

Security Level 1 – Reentry

Partial confinement, participate in work or training programs

Restrictive Housing

An individual may be temporarily removed from the general population and assigned to an administrative segregation or intensive management unit (IMU) when his or her presence in the general population would create any of the following conditions:

  • A threat to the safety of staff, visitors or other incarcerated individuals.
  • A threat to their own safety.
  • The probability of an escape.
  • A significant threat to the orderly operation of the prison.

Screening and Testing

Initial classification at the reception center includes:

  • An orientation to the department
  • A comprehensive, in-depth interview
  • Medical, mental health, and dental screenings
  • Educational assessments and screening services

Upon the completion of the initial reception center screening, incarcerated individuals are transferred to the appropriate facility for their custody level and needs. For more information about this process, visit "Where inmates live."



Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) policies that apply to classification.

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