Administration & Operations
The Department of Corrections (DOC) employs over 8,000 employees, with approximately 4,000 staff working in business administration and operations capacities. (The other 4,000, are working as Community Corrections Officers and Correctional Officers.) The administrative and operational staff accomplish our day-to-day business operations that are of critical importance to keep the agency running smoothly. The majority of these positions are located at DOC Headquarters in Tumwater, a couple miles south of Olympia. However, there are a number of positions located at prison facilities, reentry centers, community field offices, community justice centers and outstations throughout the state.
As an employee at DOC, you’ll enjoy a comprehensive benefits package that includes a retirement plan, medical and dental benefits, and generous paid leave and holidays, as well as promotional opportunities, flexible scheduling options, tuition assistance, and more!
You’ll have opportunities to test your knowledge and skills in a number of different subjects and fields. And you’ll be rewarded with the knowledge that your contributions have contributed to safer communities in Washington State .
Below are some examples of the various business administrative and operational related careers offered within the Department. We’re confident that whatever field your education/experience is in, DOC has a career path for you!
Administration & Operations at DOC
The Budget Office develops and coordinates the Department of Corrections’ (DOC) operating and capital budgets and is the central agency contact and resource for budget information. Budget staff conduct analyses regarding financial, caseload, and workload impacts that new policies, projects, legislation, and other administrative changes will have on DOC’s operations and expenditures.
The Budget Office allots budgeted amounts among programs and our DOC operational leaders each fiscal year and is responsible for a fiscal status reporting process, to ensure that DOC managers have information regarding how their spending compares to their budgets. The Budget Office also develops options and recommendations for policy makers when spending reductions are necessary and coordinates the implementation of spending reductions. This includes reporting on savings actually achieved from spending reductions adopted.
Business Services supports agency operations through effective, efficient, and accountable business practices. Multiple career ladders, promotional opportunities, jobs in both rural and urban locations, and contributing to the Department’s mission of public safety through vital support services are just a few of the reasons our Business Services staff say they choose to work for DOC. Business Services provides a diverse portfolio of agency support functions through statewide prison and field locations, and at Headquarters in Tumwater, Washington.
Prison/field-based services include:
- Budget preparation, management, reporting, variance analysis, and financial projections.
- Warehouse operations that procure and manage a wide range of goods and supplies needed for the day-to-day operation of facilities.
- Managing incarcerated individual trust accounts (DOC Policy 200.200
), including deposits, withdrawals, debt collection, and incarcerated individual payroll processing.
- Staff timekeeping functions for payroll processing.
- Local funds management, including incarcerated individual betterment (DOC Policy 200.000
) and donation accounts.
- Purchasing/procurement functions for warehoused goods, as well as other goods, services, equipment necessary to support prison and community corrections operations.
- Staff travel related support.
Headquarters-based services include:
- Agency wide financial policy development, financial reporting, and advice and consultation to agency management regarding financial matters and impacts.
- Management of the statewide Business Services operation.
- Centralized staff payroll processing and related federal reporting.
- Centralized payment processing for agency goods and services, 1099 reporting, travel payments, and agency purchasing card management.
- Agency wide procurement oversight activities, and procurements for high dollar and specialized commodities.
- Statewide management of the incarcerated individual banking system and banking activities for inmates residing in Reentry Centers.
- Federal and other grant management, reporting, and accounting functions.
- Statewide Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund (DOC Policy 200.000
) budget development, management, and financial reporting.
- Accounting and financial reporting functions associated with capital facilities acquisition, expansion, and maintenance.
Records professionals at the Department of Corrections (DOC) ensure the proper retention and accessibility of records to internal and external stakeholders in compliance with state and federal records management laws (RCW 40.14 , WAC 434-600 , WAC 434-690 ).
Some of the responsibilities of records professionals include:
- Provide quality and secure records management of all inmate and administrative records.
- Work with and assist agency staff in the location and retrieval of records.
- Ensure records are maintained, destroyed and archived per the agency and state requirements.
- Process all inmate records for storage at the State Records Center .
Learn more about state public records law at the Public Records Act webpage.
The Risk Management Department is dedicated to providing a safe environment for the public, staff, and incarcerated individuals and to minimize agency risk. Risk Management serves the agency by addressing risk and liability issues in a complex criminal justice system, and is responsible for two major program areas: Risk Management and Safety.
Risk Management
Risk Management identifies and mitigates possible risk or loss to the agency using a variety of tools and concepts, including loss prevention and loss control techniques, data/trend analysis, evaluation of risks and exposures, and risk financing. Additional duties of the Risk Management program include:
- Managing all tort claims and lawsuits with the authority to negotiate on behalf of the agency;
- Acting as the liaison between the Office of the Attorney General Torts Division and the agency;
- Managing insurance for the agency to include the Washington State Self Insurance Liability Program and various commercial insurances;
- Coordinating Employee Assault Benefits;
- Electronic Records Discovery; and
- Sharing information about subpoenas and what to do if you are served with a lawsuit.
The Department of Corrections values staff as its greatest asset. Safety management identifies and ensures compliance with federal and state law to address safety compliance. Tools and concepts used to ensure safe agency environments, include identification of hazards and the establishment of statewide safety standards. Additional aspects of the Safety Program include:
- Audit or Evaluation of agency safety programs;
- Development and delivery of safety training; and
- Creation of safety bulletins and materials.
Human Resources' (HR) promotes an organizational culture that fosters and inspires excellence. HR supports and encourages staff in achieving excellence through strategic partnering, sound consultations, and professional development.
Human Resources is comprised of specialized central units, as well as local operational units. This combination serves to support agency needs at the local level while promoting consistency in HR related decisions and actions. DOC HR staff are motivated and rewarded daily through interactions that enhance the employment experience for DOC Staff.
Some of the responsibilities of Human Resource professionals include:
- Actively engaging employees through open and honest communication;
- Developing and maintaining collaborative relationships;
- Being trustworthy and maintaining confidentiality;
- Providing timely, competent and responsive customer service;
- Administering all HR programs in a fair and equitable manner.