Safety Planning
Victims of incarcerated and/or formerly incarcerated person(s) under DOC supervision are eligible to receive assistance with safety planning from the Department of Corrections (DOC) Victim Services Program.
A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that can help you stay safe, and may help to reduce risk of future harm. This process involves working with you to develop a plan to reduce the risk of harm to you and your family.
Community Victim Liaisons
A DOC Community Victim Liaison (CVL) is available in your area to assist with developing a personalized safety plan. A CVL is a victim advocate who can assist you with any questions or concerns you have regarding incarcerated or formerly incarcerated person(s) in the community under supervision. They may also provide community referrals and local resources.
Victim Wrap-Around
A Victim Wrap-Around is a safety planning meeting that brings together the victim, his or her support person(s), DOC staff members, and relevant community partners in a collaborative effort to develop a personalized safety plan for the victim and his or her family. The CVL facilitates this meeting at the request of the victim.