INFOGRAPHIC: Veteran Friendly
100-PO035 (R 9/2018)

(Rachel Friederich , DOC Communications)
Text Version
Veteran Friendly
Approximately 14.7% of the Washington State Department of Corrections' workforce are veterans
This equates to 1,254 employees!
46.6% of the entire veteran population in the state of Washington over the age of 18 was employed in 2017. This includes retirees and those not actively seeking work.
4% jobless rate among veterans in Washington state between the ages of 18 and 64 in the civilian workforce.
Leading Industries for Veterans Employment
- 25.5% Government
- 12% Manufacturing
- 11.6% Professional & Business Services
- Washington State Department of Corrections Human Resources Division
- U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics