INFOGRAPHIC: Traumatic Brain Injury – An Overview of TBI & Increased Risky Behavior
100-PO014 (R 3/2017)

(Cassandra Ricci, DOC Communications)
Text Version
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can alter cognitive, behavioral, and emotional function. TBI induced changes often increase behavior that leads to incarceration.
1. What is TBI?
Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, occurs when an external force suddenly impacts the head or brain violently. Car crashes, contact sports, and falls can all cause TBI.
TBIs that occur during childhood can have lifelong effects, especially repetitive TBI.
TBI is not a mental health disorder. It's a neurological disease.
2. TBI Related Traits
- Increased Anger
- Increased Aggression
- Poorer Judgment
- Lower Impulse Control
- Attention Deficits
- Memory Deficits
- Anxiety/Depression
- Balance Issues
- Slowed Speech
Data suggests that individuals with brain injury engage in crime more often than they would have if they had not had a brain injury.
3. Consequences of TBI
TBI creates cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects. Poorer judgment, lowered inhibition and increased anger/aggression associated with TBI combines to reinforce risky behaviors that often lead to negative consequences.
Most people with TBI have not been in trouble with the law but many inmates have had, and are dealing with, TBI.
4. Experts Recommend
- Allowing those with TBI a few extra moments to respond to orders or questions.
- Being patient and repeating orders or questions if necessary.
- Training reentry staff to identify those with TBI and finding them appropriate community resources.